The domain Shanti Lac welcomes you in its relaxing and green surroundings located on the "route des vins", between the Citadel of Vauban in Blaye and the village of Bourg.
You will feel totally self-sufficient while remaining close to tourist sites and seaside resorts. Ideally situated by a lake in the middle of nature, you will be able to relax and enjoy the various activities on site: spa, sauna and private bath, experienced and approved practitioners at your service, possibility to rent bicycles or enjoy a drink in an idyllic environment
Shanti Lac has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 based on 18 customer reviews
Le Domaine Shanti Lac est un lieu unique dans le bordelais ! Notre petite structure vous propose 2 cabanes de 2 à 5 personnes avec tout le confort d’une petite maison sur pilotis. Pour profiter au mieux d’un véritable moment de détente, notre cabane Spa vous offre sur place un moment rien que pour vous !